About Nuthatch Marketing
We help savvy home service businesses get more leads for better & more profitable projects.

Finding The Opportunities Your Competitors Still Don’t Know About
The nuthatch is the only bird that can forage upside down. It does this to find food that all the other birds overlook.
Our services focus on using your data and your website to get more sales that even your big competitors don’t know about.
We focus on search marketing…because that’s how customers find you.
It’s 2024…not 2014 or 2004. Outside of word of mouth & referrals, your customers find you via search. We focus on making sure you show up and get leads, calls, and form submissions.
Google Business Profile
Is your profile appealing and ranking for local searches?
You’ll get a profile your competitors are jealous of.
SEO Strategy
How can you grow and beat your competition sustainably?
We make sure you are building a business “moat” that will create a word of mouth and referrals.
On-Page SEO
Does your website show up & sell your services?
Your website will be setup & optimized for conversions.
Local Search Ads
Are you paying the right price for valuable customers?
You’ll get smart ad management to bid for only the best customers.
Who Runs Nuthatch Marketing?
Nate Shivar is the founder of Nuthatch Marketing. He’s been helping local business owners since 2010. After a period working as an agency SEO Specialist and then SEO Consultant, he founded Nuthatch to focus solely on helping home services get more leads.
Get In Touch
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